Referenties 193 Daalen, D.T. van, H. van der Marei, Geodetic, Geometrie and Computational Aspects of Hipparcos. In: Manuscripta Geodaetica (1986), 11, p. 146-166. Groten, E., Geodetic Applications of Hipparcos Results. In: Perryman and Guyenne, Proc., Strassbourg, ESA SP 177, 1982, p. 71-77. Kovalevsky, J. The project Hipparcos. In: Manuscripta Geodaetica (1986), 11, p 89-96. Marei, H. van der, Aardgericht Ruimte-onderzoek [5], ESA's astrometrische satelliet Hipparcos: Theodoliet in de ruimte. NGT Geodesia, p. 237-242, mei 1989. Perryman, MA.C., T.D. Guyenne (eds.), The scientific aspects of the Hipparcos space astrometry mission. Proc., Strassbourg, ESA document SP 177, 1982. Perryman, MA.C. (ed.), The Hipparcos mission - pre-launch status. Vol III. The data reductions, ESA SP-1111, 1989, 516p.

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