Figure 3 illustrates some schematic examples from different localities around the world and the spatial pattern is complex. Yet much of it makes sense with the framework of a dynamic Earth in which the crust and mantle are still responding to the melting of great ice sheets up to about 8,000 years ago and the addition of the meltwater into the oceans. Thus the sea-level records contain information on the Earth's rheology, its response to the changes in the surface loads, as well as on the history of the ice loads for, unfortunately, these have not been determined uniquely from glaciological and geomorphological evidence alone. By a careful examination of the problem, however, it becomes possible to separate out various factors, to constrain Earth and ice models and to begin to separate out the factors that contribute to today's sea-level change recorded by the geodetic tide gauges. This also is a major challenge. One important common point to these and other examples is that the geodetic observations, when combined with other sources of not always perfect informa tion, is that they permit, in principle, the Earth's response or rheology function to be established. A range of relevant processes is illustrated in Figure 4. What is sought is a rheology func tion that describes the response of the Earth to a wide range of forces acting on different time scales and of different magnitudes. Such a function will be exhibit depth de pendence with the high strength lithosphere responding differently from the upper mantle. It will al so exhibit time dependence; the Earth's mantle responds essentially as an elastic body when subjected to seismic waves but at very long periods, of the order of 1,000,000 years, it will respond essentially as i at intermediate frequencies re mains unclear and a worthy objec tive of geodetic studies. The func tion may also exhibit stress mag- nitude dependence, with the planet responding faster to large loads Figure 4 than to small loads. The function will 360 Measure of non-elastic behaviour Low High Gravity Held (10 years) I lsostasyi(10 -10 I 10 years) Diurnal and se^i-diurnal tides (24 and 12 hours) a fluid. How the function behaves Glacial Rebound (10 z'18.6 yéar tide Chandler wobble (14 months) I l Seasonal tidès (6 and 12 months) I Monthly and foHtnightly tides (14 and 28 days) Seismic'free oscillations (minutes) Body Waves (seconds)

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Lustrumboek Snellius | 1990 | | pagina 383