Using «GIS p *qm hero i. quickly HtM r. jh be adjusted fo determine m existence el building and High riek I»»*» 'demolition permits tor location» Lfflhl Who puf th iti cables -*"<? t need another car Where jrn V? Location determination technologies allow in form anon on the location of network for automatic positioning of mobile handsets mtwtructuro stored and queried in a GIS dm has proven knowledge of products and solution- in the utility,, telecommunications, finance, industry media and government markels. Especially for Spatial Technology and GIS, CMC created e Spatial R&D centre to support customers and tftelr consultants. CMG has realised proven implementations from different vendors like Smailwoirtd Systems, Autodesk, ESRI, Maplnfo, GDS, Microstailon and Interghraph. CMG works alongside Us customers to generate success for them. Through the quality of Its services and the long term comm.imcni of Its over 11000 staff, CMG adds value to it's customers1 businesses and thoroby craaii* a bas* for the Group's long term success. CMG Telecommunications Utilities 8.V., contact W*ffw WM terns. Associate Director, phone +31 30 23 33 3&0, Email, Internet: www.ctng.rM

Digitale Tijdschriftenarchief Stichting De Hollandse Cirkel en Geo Informatie Nederland

Lustrumboek Snellius | 2000 | | pagina 108