Estimate 1 V 7 Estimated integer ambiguities are stochastic Lustrumboek "The 5th Element" Finally in the third step, the computed integer ambiguities are used to improve the first-step solution tor the remaining parameters, like baseline-coordinates and/or atmospheric delays These parameters are recomputed, but this time with the ambiguities constrained to the integer values as obtained from the second step. This final result is referred to as the 'fixed' solution and it generally inherits a much higher precision than the previously obtained 'float solution'. 'Float' solution Estimate position and carrier am biguities Least squares LAMBDA method integer am biguities Integer least squares 'Fixed' solution Estimate position (am big uities fixed) Least squares F/gure 1: The three steps involved in GNSS doto processing for precise relative positioning and the corresponding optimal estimation methods. When computing the 'fixed' baseline, the integer ambiguities are usually assumed to be known with certainty But how sure can one be? After all, the inteqer ambiguities are determined from noisy data. Only in the hypothetical case of Pu observaxtlons without any noise or errors, would the float solution always yield the correct integer ambiguity values. In reality, however, this is not the case Any uncertainty in the observations will propagate and manifest itself as uncertainty in the integer ambiguities. 1 F'9 jreï ?LSh?WS a.niln9,e-frequency example based on the geometry-free GNSS model. I he figure illustrates empirically how uncertainty in the data (left) propagates into the ambiguity float estimate (middle) and finally into the integer ambiquity estimate (rightl. The correct integer for the ambiguity is 4 in this case, but as one can see trom the graph at right, also other integer values are frequently obtained. In order to capture the integer ambiguity uncertainty, one will have to treat the estimated integer ambiguities as stochastic (random) variates. This is not too different trom standard adjustment practice. In standard adjustments, where all parameters are real-valued, one also propagates the observational uncertainty so as to obtain the uncertainty of the estimated parameters. This uncertainty is then captured by the probability distribution of these parameters. The real difference between a standard and an integer adjustment lies in the type of probability distribution. In the standard case the distribution will be continuous, whereas in the integer case it will be of discrete type, cf. figure 2 at right. That is, the distribution ot the estimated integer ambiguities will be a probability mass function. Without any knowledge of the probability mass function of the integer ambiguities, one has no way of knowing how often to expect the computed ambiguity solution to coincide with the correct but unknown integers. Is this 9 out of 1 0 times, 99 ?ut ^'9.'ler percentage? In the example shown in figure 2 it is'less than 45/o. I his implies that when carrying out an experiment according to the assumption made in the example, one has about 55% chance of computinq a wrong integer ambiguity. 104

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Lustrumboek Snellius | 2000 | | pagina 115