References Lustrumboek "The 5th Element" of the ambiguities becomes singular. As a consequence, the success rate reduces to zero. 1400 1500 1600 1700 Second frequency [MHz] 1400 1500 1600 Third frequency [MHz] Figure 4. The long baselinesingle epochdual-frequency ambiguity success rate as function of the second frequency at left and the corresponding triple-frequency ambiguity success rate as function of the third frequency at right. For the dual-frequency casethe first frequency was fixed at the GPS LI value and for the triple-frequency casethe first two frequencies were fixed at the GPS LI and L2 values. The dashed vertical lines indicate the current Ll- and L2-frequency/ as well as the chosen third GPS frequency. We will now consider the triple-frequency case. Figure 4, at right, shows the long baseline, single epoch, triple-frequency, ambiguity success rate as function of a vamng third frequency. The first two frequencies were fixed at the GPS LI and L2 Vu- jiS' When comPare to f'9ure 4, at left, the figure shows that the addition of a third frequency indeed improves the success rate. The maximum value is about 10 times larger. The success rates however, are still too small for single epoch ambiguity resolution to be successful. This not only holds true for modernized GPS, tor which the third frequency equals the L3 value. It would hold true for any triple-frequency system for which the third frequency lies in the frequency range shown. The conclusion reads therefore that, although one can significantly improve upon the third frequency choice of modernized GPS, the improvement will still not make successful instantaneous long baseline ambiguity resolution feasible. [1] Jonge, PJ. de and C.C.J.M. Tiberius, The LAMBDA method for integer ambiguity estimation: implementation aspectsTech. Rep. LGR Series, No. 12, Delft University of Technology, l 996. [2] Jonkman, N.F.PJ.G. Teunissen, R Joosten and D. Odijk, GNSS long baseline ambiguity resolution: impact of a third navigation frequency, In: Geodesy beyond 2000. The challenges of the first decade, IAÖ General Assembly, Vol. I 21, Birmingham, July 19-30 (1999), Birmingham, UK, 1999, p. 34 9~354 [3] Teunissen, PJ.G., An opti ma I ity property of the integer least-squares estimator. Journal of Geodesy, 73, 1 99y, p. 587-593. [4] Teunissen, PJ.G., Least-squares estimation of the integer ambiguities. IAG General Meeting, Invited Lecture, Section Theory and Methodology, Beijing, China,! 993. [5] Teunissen, PJ.G., Success probability of integer GPS ambiguity rounding and bootstrapping, Journal of Geodesy, 72, 1 998, p. 606-61 2. 108

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