Lustrumboek "The 5th Element" The aim must be to move the dark line in figure 2 further to the right. This will be achieved by the Gravity Field and Steady-State Ocean Circulation Explorer (GOCE) mission, the first core mission within the European Space Agency (ESA) Earth Explorer Programme to be launched in 2004. More precise, the aim of GOCE is to determine the global gravity field with a resolution of 100 km or better and a global homogeneous accuracy of (MO)xlO5 m/s2 and 1 - 5 cm in terms of gravity anomalies and geoid heights, respectively (cf. figure 3). This is an improvement of the resolution with a factor 3 to 4 and of the accuracy of several orders of magnitude over the state-of-the-art global gravity field models. 2 CT> •a Trenches Basing 10.10 8.10 6.10 4.10 2.10 1000 100 10 Horizontal Resolution in km Figure 2. Required accui ocy as function of horizontal resolution necessa/y to resolve various geophysical features Accuracy Spatial Resolution Geoid Gravity (half wavelength) Ocean Circulation - Small scale - Bassin scale 2 cm <1 cm 60-250 km 1000 km Geodynamics - Continental lithosphere (thermal structure, post-glacial rebound) - Mantle composition, rheology - Ocean lithosphere and interaction with asthenosphere (subduction processes) 1-2 10"5m/s2 1-2 10"5m/s2 5-10 10"5m/s2 50-400 km 100-5000 km 100-200 km Geodesie - Ice and land vertical movements - Rock basement under polar ice sheets - World-wide height system 2 cm <5 cm 1-5 10"5m/s2 100-200 km 50-100 km 50-100 km Figure 3: GOCE scientific requirements 6

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