Aarde 6 More on temporal gravity changes 6.1 What about gravity missions techniques, we are faced with the problem of how to construct efficiently a suitable system of base functions that fulfil the constraints, and, at the same time, are stable. First investigations have shown that multiscale bases with compactly supported base functions fulfil these requirements. However, when applied to the geodetic situation, we are confronted with some conceptual problems of wavelet basis functions due to the lack of smoothness of the Earth's topography over the support of the coarse scale wavelet base functions. When a gravimeter is deployed in the basement of the geodesy building at the Thijsseweg 1 1 in Delft we see that its recorded values change. The effect becomes noticeable after several hours. If you leave it on for several days then clearly daily and twice daily waves appear to be recorded. If you look more closely at the recorded patterns then you'll also see that seismic and atmospheric related events appear. The wavy signals recorded by the gravimeter in the basement are of course tides. The instrument sees a combination of the direct gravitational effect of Sun and Moon which are due to their distance and mass ratio the main contributors but also the veritcal tidal monitions of the instrument and the induced gravity signal by the vertical solid Earth tide variations. The next famous and helpful technologic advancement that you need to understand what is really going on is called the computer. It is perfectly apable of predicting the tidal effect since astronomers and (other) geophysicists already explained us rather accurately where the Moon and the Sun are located at a given time index. Moreover it is known what we can expect from the global elastic properties of the solid Earth, information hidden in so-called Love numbers which are normally derived from geophysical Earth models. If also the gravitational constants are known then we can ask the computer to replicate the gravimeter observation. When the observed gravimeter data and the computer predictions are compared we see that there are still small but noticeable and systematic differences which are known to be related to the presense of oceanic tides in the vincinity of the gravimeter. Geophysical effects related to lithospheric and atmospheric loading mechanisms and signals due to Earth rotation are known to be responsible for the differences between the recorded and computer replicated observations. In principle the same will happen for gravity information recorded by a gravity gradient detector, or gradiometer, like GOCE. Yet, the story is much more complicated and this is in essence the reason why it is a topic of scientific research in which geodesy can play an formidable role. In space a satellite like GOCE will see the gravitational effect of Sun and Moon in the form of a number of tidal and other geophysical signals that cause temporal changes in the gravity field. In the data reduction process, that is, the procedures used to convert the raw measurements into data suitable for scientific use, one has either the choice to 1 model a particular signal or 2) to remove a specified signal from the data. For tidal processes the FMR group was involved in several ESA and NASA sponsered studies in which a rather complete picture was sketched. Tides are essential in as well the orbit determination procedure and the gradiometer data reduction.The use of a priori tide models for GOCE derived from satellite altimeter data, and in particular that from the US/French TOPEX/POSEIDON project, turns out to be essential. Altimeter tide studies have been the topic for several projects, master thesis, PhD and casestudies. The high quality of the T/P data and the unique way in which T/P samples the oceans enabled the development of deep ocean tide models, with, as a result, that for some frequencies the global accuracy improved overall with a factor of 2 to 3. The deep ocean tides are now known with an accuracy of less than 2.5 cm rms. 19

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