O evidence is that lateral variation in density or elastic properties can exist and the reasonably sure conclusion drawn from the post glacial uplift data indicate that some flow is most probable. A brief discussion on the nature of these upper regions will be useful for the subsequent discussion. Extending to a variable depth ranging between 40 and 100 km is a layer generally called the litho- sphere. This layer includes the crust of the earth and extends to some depth beyond it. Its characteristic is that it can be considered as sufficiently rigid to be able to support limited stresses and strains without immediate deformations. Generally the lithosphere tends to be thinner and cooler when underlying the oceans than for the continental regions and in consequence there is a slight density difference between oceanic litho sphere and continental lithosphere. Underneath this rigid layer, and extending to a depth of be tween 700 and 900 km is a region of relatively low and variable viscosity and which can only support density anomalies by flow. Referred to as the asthe- nosphere, it is the layer that deforms when the lithosphere is subjected to large loads caused by, for example, glacial ice. If we rule out the lower mantle as the source for the gravity anomalies we are left with two alter native possibilities: They arise from density varia tions in the lithosphere or in the asthenosphere. In the first instance they must be maintained by the finite strength of this layer and in the second in stance they must be maintained by flow. For the gravity anomalies we are considering here, of wavelengths of 1000 km or more, it can be shown that the first hypothesis is insufficient. McKenzie [9] for example, has shown that the shear stresses that would exist if the anomalies were supported by the lithosphere are very much greater than can actually be supported without immediate fracture. For example, if we consider a feature of 1500 km extend with a peak gravity anomaly of 20 mgal, we require a shear stress for the lithosphere of 800 bars whereas laboratory work and earthquakes indicate that fracture occurs at about 200 bars or less for crustal materials at low temperatures. The two layered horizontal model is complicated 180° 120° 150° 240° 300° 60° 90° 180° 330° 30° 80°- 60°- 60 O 40°- - 40 - 20° O 0°- --40° -40°- -80° 120° 90° 150° 180° 270° 60° 180° 240° 300° 330° 30° 210° Fig. 5. Gravity anomalies with respect to a reference figure containing all gravity terms up to and including 4,4. Contour interval is 20 mgal. ngt 72 49

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Nederlands Geodetisch Tijdschrift (NGT) | 1972 | | pagina 11