by discontinuities in the lithosphere. The upper layer consists in fact of a number of slabs that can move relative to each other and which are bounded by oceanic ridges, trench or island-arc systems and transform faults. Only the first two, however, play a role in this discussion. The ridges are recognized as areas of tension; where adjacent lithospheric slabs are moving apart. Either in consequence of this separation or as the cause of it, hot basaltic type materials rise up close to the surface and sometimes break through the surface as volcanos. The ridges therefore tend to grow and are often referred to as areas of crustal generation. The trenches, of which the circum-pacific belt are the outstanding examples, are also referred to as island arcs since arcs of islands often occur on the continental side of the trench. The trenches are areas of compression where adjacent lithospheric slabs push against each other. The consequence of this collision is that the cooler and thinner oceanic slab is pushed under its con tinental counterpart and back into the astheno- sphere. The trenches or island arcs are therefore also referred to as areas of crustal distruction. The Alpide belt running from the western Mediterra nean to the Himalayas are also compressional fea tures but in this case the action is between two thick continental slabs and buckling rather than down thrusting tends to occur. A continental equivalent to the oceanic ridges is the rift valley of East Africa, but the surface characteristics are again distorted by the thick crust. These models are supported very strongly by seismic data [23] and the rates of motion have been estimated from marine magnetic anomalies of as much as 10 cm/year [24, 25]. Figure 6 gives a schematic diagram of areas of ex tension and compression and figure 7 gives the sinuous path of the two types of features. Also shown in this figure are deep ocean basins below depths greater than 5000 meters. Comparing figures 1, 4 or 5 with the tectonic fea tures we find an immediate and consistent correla tion between the earth's gravity field and the oceanic trenches. In each case the anomalies are strongly positive and there is a faint suggestion that the region of maximum anomaly occurs just to the continental side of the trench. When we look at the Alpine belt we find the correlation positive in the western part but turning negative in its eastern part. The oceanic ridges also show quite a good positive correlation with the gravity field although the val ues of the anomalies are generally smaller and sometimes the correlation tends to turn negative. Ocean basins tend to give a negative correlation with gravity. Kaula [26] has attempted to interpret these corre lations in terms of the rather complex interactions between the flow patterns in the asthenosphere and the lower lithospheric boundary. The positive anomalies just behind the island arcs would be a consequence of the cool oceanic slab being pushed under the continental slab and some of the dis placed viscous asthenospheric material would tend to push the lithosphere upwards. At the ridges, above the up-welling limbs of the convection pattern we would expect negative gravity anomalies unless the lithosphere is being pushed upwards as well. In this latter case the anomalies would be positive if the mass pushed upwards out weighs the decrease in density. Recent results by McKenzie [27] are relevant to this problem. McKenzie carried out extensive calculations of CRUST THO - SPHERE ASTHENOSPHERE CRUST Fig. 6. Schematic cross section of ocean ridges and island arcs. 50 ngt 72

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Nederlands Geodetisch Tijdschrift (NGT) | 1972 | | pagina 12