vf- A V,m= GM"e I Flmp(i) X Glpq(e)S*lmpq(a>, M, Q, 0 with s* •cosy and y (l 2p)a> (l 2p q)M m(Q Q) 0 is the rotation of the earth. The F,mp(iare func tions of the orbital inclination and the Glpq(e) are functions of the eccentricity. Complete expressions for their evaluation are given by Kaula [4]. It is well known that the principal perturbations in the orbit are caused by the earth's oblateness and that they are secular for the mean anomaly M, the argument of perigee co, and the longitude of the ascending node 12. The other elements a, e, i (semi- major axis, eccentricity and inclination) are, to a first approximation, constant so that in equation (2) all the important time dependencies are contained in the function S*. If we substitute the perturbing potential AVlm into the Lagrangian equations of motion and integrate them, assuming that only S* is time dependent, we obtain expressions for the orbital elements that are a summation of terms containing the 51* or the inte gral of S* with respect to its argument. The periods of these perturbations can be calculated and only their amplitudes, which are proportional to the C,m and Slm, are considered as unknown. Thus if we observe the satellite's motion in detail we can carry out an analysis for the amplitudes of the va rious perturbations with known period in order to determine the C and S. The question immediately raised is that in the ex pansion (2) we have several summations to infinity; a clearly impossible situation and we have to trun cate the expansion somewhere in order to give a manageable solution. But this would tend to distort the terms unless there is some "natural selection" of those terms that are significant. Such a selection is indeed possible thanks to the nature of the orbital theory, of the observational data and of the earth's gravity field. In the first instance Glpq(e) is proportional to e'"1 and since e is usually quite small we need only sum q from about —10 to +10. Secondly, we are measuring the earth's gravity field at the satellite height and there is a term ae/ain equations (1) and (2) that decreases with increasing That is, the higher the degree of the perturbing potential the less will be the magnitude of the perturbation in the orbit. Thirdly, the amplitudes of the harmonic coefficients, Clm, Slm, tend to decrease with in creasing degree. If we define the average amplitude of harmonics of degree by 21 1 m 0 X (CL+Sfj we find that the V, decrease according to an approx imate rule of 10~5//2 [1]. The fourth characteristic concerns the spectrum of frequencies in S*lmpq (to, M, Q, 0) or the y. The rates of change of aand Q are quite small compared with the mean motion of the satellite, n, and with the earth's rotation, 0, so that the frequency of S* is governed mainly by M (k n) and 1 rev/day). The mean motion for close earth satellites is usually of between 10 and 16 revolutions/day so that if the order m is less than n, the minimum frequency of S is approximately m revolutions/day. That is, har monics in the potential such as C4-2, C6 2, etc., give rise to a series of perturbations whose lowest frequency is about 2 revolutions/day. Harmonics such as C12>12, C14i)2, etc. give rise to a series of perturbations whose lowest frequency is about 12 revolutions/day. That is, the higher the order of the harmonic, the lower will be the maxi mum period in the series of perturbations caused by the harmonic. With optical and laser observations we are usually limited to studying only those per turbations that have periods longer than about the duration of one orbital revolution. This restriction is caused by the difficulty of obtaining good orbital coverage with a limited number of stations and with tracking systems that are limited to observations during clear nights only. We make use of the above characteristics to deter- I I Cl p-0 q= - c (2) Gin, I m even Slm - ~Slm- l m odd - G im_ l m even •cosy l m odd ngt 72 43

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Nederlands Geodetisch Tijdschrift (NGT) | 1972 | | pagina 5