Verslagen materiaal dat andere disciplines kunnen verschaf fen moet je iets opbouwen dat goed werkt, wat een goede beschrijving oplevert, of waar een goed ruimtelijk plan uitkomt. De werkwijze van een in genieur is niet voorgebakken, hij zal hem zeif moe ten vormen. Of je je als geodeet nu richt op de beschrijving van de wereld of op de verandering, veranderen doe je altijd iets: door de beschrijving wordt het beeld wat anderen van de wereld hebben anders en daarmee hun handelen, door nieuwe werkwijzen te ontwik kelen grijp je in het leven van je medewerkers in (automatisering!), en door de grond anders in te delen bij land- en stadsinrichting geef je een heel andere richting aan allerlei sociale en economische processen. Als ingenieur moetje leren deze gevoigen van je handelen zo goed mogerijk te overzien. Naschrift Dit artikel is een bewerking van een college voor eerstejaars studenten, in het kader van „Inleiding Geodesie". Het was m'n bedoeling het pas te publiceren nadat ik het had voor zien van schema's, voorbeelden en toepasselijke literatuur. Helaas, het tijdschrift had weer eens kopijgebrek INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON ELECTROMAGNETIC DISTANCE MEASUREMENT AND THE INFLUENCE OF ATMOSPHERIC REFRACTION Wageningen, May 23-28, 1977 At the invitation of the Netherlands Geodetic Commission, The International Association of Geodesy held a symposium on the above mentioned subject at Wageningen (The Nether lands), May 23-28, 1977. The symposium was organised by the Department of Sur veying and Photogranimetry of the Agricultural University at Wageningen in cooperation with the International Agri culture Centre, who also provided the accommodation. Some 70 scientists from 18 different countries participated. The symposium was structured around the following topics: A. Electromagnetic Distance Measurement: 1. Wave propagation problems in EDM; 2. Instrumentation and Calibration; 3. Optimization, reconnaissance and observational pro cedures in EDM networks; 4. Ranging to satellites; B. Refraction: 1. Ionospheric and tropospheric refraction; 2. Multiple wave methods. These topics were of special interest to members of the Special Study Groups 1.42 and 1.26 of the IAG. Twenty seven papers were presented. They will be published in the Proceedings of the Symposium. A workshop was conducted, and a special meeting of the members of the SSG 1.42 took place. Finally some problems on laser-safety were discussed. Some firms exhibited EDM and positioning apparatus. The resolution committee under the chairmanship of dr. K. Poder issued the following resolutions, with the approval of the participants. 1. This symposium supports and encourages investigation into the use of the multiwavelength principle as applied to the elimination of refractional influences on Geodesy. It recognises the great need for instruments that are able to give directly refractionfree angles and distances and urges that all efforts should be made to develop such instruments. 2. The symposium recognising that studies of wave propaga tion in a turbulent medium become increasingly impor tant, recommends that the scope of these studies should be such as to include already available research results from other branches of science. 3. The symposium recognising the need for further investiga tions of the spectra of geodetic measurements in conjunc tion with results from boundary layer meteorology, encourages the search for quantitatively complementary methods to determine the effects of electromagnetic wave propagation in Geodesy. 4. The symposium noting with concern the form taken by preliminary and developing user guidelines for lasers, feeling that unnecessary restrictions are being imposed while in some respects not providing adequate safety recommends that the AIG establishes the appropriate contacts to ensure the development of a safe and reason able code of practice. 5. The symposium thanks the Netherlands Geodetic Com mission, the International Agricultural Centre, Wage ningen, and particularly the Department of Surveying and Photogrammetry of the Agricultural University, Wage ningen, for the excellent arrangements for this meeting. A date for the next EDM/Refraction symposium has not been decided upon. The following papers were presented: 1. E. Tengström: Keynote address. 2. R. H. Bradsell: Longterm stability of an NPL III wave length standard. 3. R. H. Bradsell: A simple calibrator for the mekometer EDM instrument. 176 ngt 77

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Nederlands Geodetisch Tijdschrift (NGT) | 1977 | | pagina 14