- The increasing efficiency of computer processing is permitting relatively easy change in digital data format. Resolves: That a committee of key-people he formed to: - Foster exchange of automated cartography infor mation. - Develop and recommend a format that can be implemented on a world wide basis that will permit ready exchange of digital data?' The commissions For the next two congress periods commission 3 will deal with the topic land information systems. It is clear that commission 3 will have to lean con tinuously upon the specialized knowledge and the experience of the other 8 commissions. Let us pass in review the tasks of the nine commis sions of the F.I.G. and let us trace the relation of each of these commissions to the topic land informa tion systems. Commission 1 The commission deals with the status of the profes sion, organization and legal systems of importance for the surveyor's task. The new technical facilities are causing a revolution in our profession. To survive this technical revolution it is necessary that a professional (r)evolution takes place. The old surveyor was the man who collected, processed, stored or retrieved data of information in a lot of different ways. The new surveyor will have to be the manager in the process of collecting, processing, storing and retrieving of information in more standardized ways. This problem concerns the surveyor in public service as well as the free practicioner. Discussing this problem is a special task of commission I. There is another problem to which attention should be drawn in this commission. To turn the decentral way of collecting data into good channels, measures on a national level are necessary. In many cases legal measures will be necessary. The interchange of views on the matter of the legal systems could be another task of commission 1. According to the decision of the P.C. in Paris in 1978, the commission now deals with the education and training of surveyors, professional literature and the marketing of the profession. There are several ways to come to the consensus which is an essential condition for the creation of common standards. One of these is education. For the exchange of geodetic experience and knowledge it is necessary to agree on a basic language. Chan ging methods are bringing other usage with them. Discussing the above mentioned problems of educa tion and professional literature in relation to land information systems is a special problem of com mission 2. Commission 3 According to the decisions of the P.C. in Paris in 1978, the commission deals with the collecting, up dating, storing, treating and presenting of informa tion concerning land during the next two periods 1979-1981 and 1982-1984. The main task of commission 3 within the F.I.G will be an organizational one. It will be necessary to organize well the exchange of views regarding land information systems. Use will have to be made of the specialized know ledge of the other commissions. Commission 4 Hydrography is a topic that has nothing to do with "land" information systems at first sight. However, in the U.S. shipboard data acquisition systems are developed and computer assisted systems for the total process of nautical charting aie designed and implemented. Digitizing systems are already placed in operation for the systematic conversion of graphic chart data to digital format for a nautical chart data bank. It is clear that the technical revolution is touching the hydrography as well. As a result commission 4 of the F.I.G. is confronted with equal problems like for instance commission 5. Commission 5 The driving force behind the professional revolution is the technical development. It is the task of the most technical of the commissions of the F.I.G. to discuss the new instruments, survey methods and mapping. Main problem in this field is the development of common standards for both form and quality. Commission 2 16 ngt 79

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Nederlands Geodetisch Tijdschrift (NGT) | 1979 | | pagina 18