ingenieursbureau oranjewoud'bv urban data management seventh eunopean symposium The 7th European Symposium on Urban Data Management will be held in The Hague, The Netherlands, Congress Centre, 23-27 April 1979. Papers will deal with organisational, technical and functional aspects of large information systems. The Symposium is aimed at staff in central and regional government, local authorities, universities and consultancies affected by and concerned with development of central, regional and local information systems. These include information scientists, engineers, planners, administrators and politicians. The registration fee is Dfl. 675,-, including proceedings, other documentation, trip to Amsterdam, lunches, coffee and tea. (Without trip to Amsterdam: Dfl. 600,-; without trip and without lunches: Dfl. 550,-.) More details and registration forms can be obtained from: T. J. Poelstra, UDMS-Secretary, Thijsseweg 112629 JA Delft, The Netherlands (tel. 015-784461 or015-784548). HEERENVEEN, TEL. 05130 - 31415 TELEX 46584 INORA NL STADSKANAAL, TEL. 05990 - 2155 ASSEN, TEL. 05920 - 13605 APELDOORN, TEL. 055 - 214935 DRIEHUIS, TEL. 02550 - 19137 OOSTERHOUT, TEL. 01620 - 25953 TELEX 74194 INORA NL HAAMSTEDE, TEL. 01115 - 2048 WEERT, TEL. 04950 - 37572 CIVIELTECHNIEK KULTUURTECHNIEK GEODESIE SPORT-, REKREATIE- GROENVOORZIENINGEN RUIMTELIJKE PLANNING MILIEUZAKEN

Digitale Tijdschriftenarchief Stichting De Hollandse Cirkel en Geo Informatie Nederland

Nederlands Geodetisch Tijdschrift (NGT) | 1979 | | pagina 27