Swiss Federal Institute of Technology. 5th course for Photogrammetry 262 Het nadelig saldo van het examen 1946 is hoofdzakelijk ontstaan door de hogere arbeidslonen der arbeiders, die per candidaat ongeveer 30. bedragen. In verband hiermede is het examengeld thans verhoogd tot 35.—. De financiële positie der Federatie is gunstig. Hoewel met de overname van het Tijdschrift en tengevolge van moeilijkheden met de oude drukker van het Tijdschrift onberekenbare factoren zijn ontstaan, kunnen ook de vooruitzichten voor 1947 gunstig worden genoemd. De Penningmeester der N.L.K, B. DE BOER. After an interruption of eleven years, the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology again intends to give a course for photogrammetry next spring. This course, directed by the undersigned, will last from the ist till 27th of March, respectively till end of April 1948. As in former years, the Institute for Photogrammetry of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology will put all its instruments and appara tuses at the disposal of the participators, such as a Wild Autograph A 5, a Wild Stereo-Plotting-Machine A 6, an apparatus for rectifica tion Wild E 1, three field-equipments for terrestrial photographs, a Wild Autograph A 2, a Stereocomparator a.o. Aerial cameras and serial cameras will be supplied for demonstrating purposes by the Henri Wild Surveying Instruments Supply Co. Limited. The lectures will be given in French, and as far as necessary also in English or German, and they will be based on the Manual of Photo grammetry by Prof. Dr. Zeiler which appeared in April 1947 an" was edited by Orell-Füssli of Zurich. The lectures will be given by Prof. Dr Zeiler personally and by his scientific collaborator, Dr. sc. techn. A. Brandenberger. The assistants for photogrammetry and geodesy will help in the demonstrations and practical exercises. Moreover, some lectures by Prof. Dr. h. c. F. Baeschlin on topical questions of aerial photogrammetry as well as several reports by practical men about their experience in photogrammetrical survey methods are intended. In the first part of the course (from ist to 27th of March 1948) which is conclusive, and apart from the lectures and reports, demon strations and practical exercises in the application of the instru ment are carried out, whereby special attention is paid to aerial photogrammetry. At the same time, there will be an excursion to Dii- bendorf to inspect the organization of the aerial service of the Federal Survey Department, and of their aeroplane for surveying, and besides a visit to the works of the Henri Wild Surveying Instruments Supply Co. Limited at Heerbrugg.—The first part of this course will con stitute a thorough introduction into the photogrammetrical methods and their application. The second part (from 28th March to 30th April 1948) will serve the practical training at the instruments, combined with all necessary extra work, the designing of plans for surveying flights, a.o. Besides, there will be lectures on the theory of errors in photogrammetry and the latest results of the respective research in aerial photogrammetry

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Tijdschrift voor Kadaster en Landmeetkunde (KenL) | 1947 | | pagina 268