169 of the measuring-mark so that the corresponding direction can be read. To obtain the correct readings the instrument has to answer in the first place the following requirements with respect to the adjustment: 1. The point in the photograph which is chosen as centre of directions has to coincide with D. 2. The line AB has to pass through D. 3. The centre of the division on the circle has to coincide with D. The influence of er rors according to the requirements sub 2and 3 can be eliminated by measuring the directions in two positions of the plate-carrier which differ in amoufit of 200 grades. The point P (see fig. 1) can be brought 011 AB by a rotation a1; as well by a rotation a2. In the mean value of the two readings the above mentioned errors are eliminated. Errors due to a contravention of the first requirement can not be eliminated. With respect to the estimation of the influence of these errors on the results may be referred to an article of the author on „The accuracy of the measurements of directions in radial-triangula- tion" which will appear in the next number of „Photogrammetria". At the practical execution of a radial-triangulation the coincidence of the chosen measuring-centre (principal-point, isocentre or plumb- point) with the rotation-centre D is reached by three manipulations, namely a) The chosen point is marked on the photograph by a little hole or cross on the emulsion-side. b) The rotation-centre is marked on a fixed glass-plate in the plate- holder by an etched cross. c) The photograph is so adjusted on the plate-holder that both marks coincide. The accuracy of the first manipulation is independent of the con struction of the radial-triangulator and is only affected by the accuracy by which the elements that fix the place of the chosen measuring- centre, are known and by which the marking of this point can be executed. The accuracy of the operations b and c is, however, indeed dependent on the properties of the instrument and they will therefore be sub mitted to a closer examination. The marking of the rotation-centre. This marking has only then sense, when each plate-holder is always put in the same position on the carrier. To reach this purpose all

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Tijdschrift voor Kadaster en Landmeetkunde (KenL) | 1948 | | pagina 179