171 and a2 the co-ordinates of D in the grid-system were computed by the approximate formulas Pi Pi x, micr. x0 micr. In these formulas and a2 were expressed in cgr. It will be clear that for this purpose pjg 3 the normal readings, for which the unity of the verniers is 1 cgr, give a sufficient accuracy since for p 1 micr, a 2,5 cgr is. From the 20 co-ordinates of D the mean error in the single ad justment could be computed. The results are given in table I. Table I. JL It could be expected that the mean value of the 20 determinations of px and p2 in each case would be nearly zero. This seems not to be confirmed by the data in the first two columns of table I. To judge how far these values could be influenced by the accidental errors, the mean errors in the average values of px and p2 were computed. When ■p the ratio exceeds the limit of ca 3, a systematic error can be ex pected. In both cases wherein this phenomenon appears, a reasonable explanation could be found. In the first case 1) there was a small amount of back lash in the X movement that was not systematically taken into account. The serial was repeated with a better result. in the second case 2) the distance between the line AB and the rotation-centre D was rather great (ca 0,15 mm) so that the setting of M became difficult. When in this case the grid-lines are not exactly parallel to the X direction, a systematic error can be easily expected. 5 mm t 5mm K 2 4 Pa~ At -oc, 3 °C2 5000 6366 5000 6366 1 2 Instrument Mean value in microns Mean error in single deter mination Mean error in mean value Mp /t P>2 mp i mp2 MPl Mpi Zeiss Left 9 5 I 3 12,6 9.3 8,3 5.6 2,8 2,1 1,8 1,3 3,2 2,4 0,6' 2,3 Right 2 4- i 5.6 4.3 1.3 1,0 ',5 1,0 De Koningh 11 r 3985 L -1- 2 - 13 9.3 17,6 2,1 3.9 0,9 3-32 R 3 5 8.7 8,7 1,9 I 1,9 i,9 2,6 1), 2) See reference in text.

Digitale Tijdschriftenarchief Stichting De Hollandse Cirkel en Geo Informatie Nederland

Tijdschrift voor Kadaster en Landmeetkunde (KenL) | 1948 | | pagina 181