98 official status so far. Experience of the last 20 years has proved the importance of the international organisation and besides this, the necessity of intensifying the activity in the field of scientific develop ment. Each congress shows the necessity of better preparation of dis cussions, continuous activity between the congresses etc. Experience, however, has also proved how difficult it is to realize these aims. Members of the working group in general and representa tives from those countries who signed the convention in particular felt that in this respect an official organisation can to a very large extent support the activities of the ISP. Therefore any idea about duplication of work or competition between the newly created EOEPR is completely wrong and the Statutes of the new organisation require a close collaboration with the ISP. All communications and scientific reports will, therefore, be published in ,,Photogrammetria" this being the official organ of the ISP. As first document we publish the Stat utes of the EOEPR and in the next issue a report about the meeting of 12 and 13 October held in Paris will appear, including a communica tion about its scientific program composed by the scientific committees. So far the convention has been signed on 12th October 1953 by representatives of the governments of Austria, Belgium, Germany, Italy and the Netherlands. With some other countries, with which collaboration is highly desirable, discussions are going on. The Steering Committee which consists of 2 representatives of each member country, elected Col. Panier, Director of the Belgian Institut Géographique Militaire, as its President for a period expiring 1955. The Executive Committee is composed as followsW. Schermerhorn, R. Verlaine, A. J. van der Weele. Mr. R. Verlaine, Section 'Cartographique et Cadastre du Ministère des Colonies, 40, rue de Washington, bruxelles, has been appointed Secretary-General of the Organisation. In accordance with art. 6 of the Steering Committee it has been decided to establish the Head quarters of the Organisation in Delft in close connection with the International Training Centre for Aerial Survey, Kanaalweg 3, deli-t. Agreement concerning the formation of a European Organisation for Experimental Photogrammetric Research. The undersigned Representatives of the Governments of the Federal Republic of Germany, of the Kingdom of Belgium, of the Republic of Italy, and of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, duly authorised to that affect; Desirous of co-operating with one another in the development and improvement of experimental photogrammetric methods, in view of the Recommendation of the Council of the Organisation for European Economic Co-operation of 23th July, 1952 HAVE AGREED as follows Article 1 Organisation. The Contracting Parties hereby establish a European Organisation

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Tijdschrift voor Kadaster en Landmeetkunde (KenL) | 1954 | | pagina 48