C. A. J. VON FRIJTAG DRABBE De Permanente Kaarteringscommissie voor Nieuw Guinea 102 from this Agreement after a period of two years of participation. The withdrawal shall become effective one year after the date on which it has been notified to the Organisation, provided the Member con cerned had paid its contribution for the year in the course of which its membership is terminated. (b) If a Member fails to fulfil its obligations towards the Organisa tions, the Steering Committee may suspend that Member from the enjoyment of its rights and privileges as and how it may decide. Article n Amendments. 1 he present Agreement may be amended by the Steering Commit tee on the proposal of any Member or of the Executive Bureau. The proposal of any amendment shall be communicated to all Members at least three months before being submitted to the Steering Com mittee for consideration. Article 12 Entry into Force of the Agreement. (a) 1 he present Agreement shall come into force for the Signatories upon signature. For each country acceding at a later date it shall come into force upon approval by the Steering Committee. (b) As soon as the present Agreement comes into force, the Organisation shall inform the Organisation for European Economic Co-operation and the International Society of Photogrammetry of this and shall establish close relations with those organisations. Article 13 Dissolution of the Organisation. In the event of the dissolution of the Organisation the Steering Committee shall take all appropriate measures for the disposal of the assets of the Organisation in the best interests of the Members. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the undersigned Representatives have signed the present Agreement. Done in Paris this twelfth day of October Nineteen Hundred and Fifty I hree, in the English and French languages, both texts being equally authentic, in a single copy which shall be deposited in the archives of the Organisation by which certified copies will be com municated to all the Signatories. Directeur van de Topografische dienst: Het komt ons wenselijk voor, de lezers van dit tijdschrift iets naders mede te delen betreffende doel en werkzaamheden van bovenvermelde commissie, daar het beoogde doel der commissie de kaartering en dus landmeetkundige arbeid betreft.

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Tijdschrift voor Kadaster en Landmeetkunde (KenL) | 1954 | | pagina 52