277 I Council of the ISP which shall be exercised in accordance with the following rules. (2) The Brock Medal shall be awarded only in respect of an out standing landmark in the evolution of photogrammetry, which shall be a proven contribution to photogrammetry of whatever form, whether a major completed photogrammetric mapping project, some fundamentally new equipment or fundamentally new technique, or other new departure. (3) Recommendations for the award of the Brock Medal may be made at any time. (4) Recommendations shall be made in writing to the President of the ISP. (5) Recommendations shall be made by two sponsors of different nationalities who shall be members of the ISP and not of the same nationality as that of the proposed recipient. These sponsors shall consult the representative photogrammetric body of the country of the proposed recipient (or bodies if more than one) adhering corporately to the ISP, or, where none such body adheres, then the recognised national photogrammetric authority (if any) of that country. The agreement or otherwise of those consulted shall be recorded in the recommendation. (6) Recommendations shall be in respect of an individual and not of a group of individuals nor of any organization or commercial firm. However, as many advances in photogrammetry and in the execution of photogrammetric mapping projects may be largely due to team work, it shall be allowable to recommend the leader or the leading spirit of a team of workers, or such person as the team itself may think has made the most important or outstanding or fundamental contribution to their work. (7) Recommendations shall be accompanied by a documentation and explanation of the grounds on which they are made and shall be sufficiently full tb enable the Council to evaluate them. (8) Recommendations received within 6 months of the official opening of a congress shall not be considered until after that congress. (9) Awards shall be decided upon only, during the six months prior to each congress, and the presentation (if any) shall, whenever practicable, be made at that congress either to the recipient in person or to his representative. (10) All recommendations considered prior to any one congress shall lapse, whether any medal has been awarded at that congress or not, unless renewed in writing to the President. (11) Any member of Council recommended for the Award whose name is amongst those falling to be considered by the Council shall take no part in proceedings of selection, and shall not, for the purposes only of these rules, be accounted a member of the Council. (12) Six months before each congress the Council shall commence

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Tijdschrift voor Kadaster en Landmeetkunde (KenL) | 1955 | | pagina 15