Achtste Internationaal Fotogrammetrisch Congres Litteratuuroverzicht 278 to consider all recommendations received to date, and may at the same time consider the merits of the work of any other person whomsoever except a member of Council that the Coun cil itself deems worthy of consideration for the award. (13) The Council shall complete their consideration and reach their conclusions in sufficient time to permit the preparation of the medal and its presentation at the congress. (14) The Council may use whatever preliminary procedure of selec tion it wishes. However the final decision to make an award shall be taken by vote and the unanimous agreement of the Council members voting shall be a condition of making an award. Votes may be given in person or by proxy or by post. The abstention from voting of one third or more of the Council, whether present or not, shall constitute one contrary vote. (15) The Council shall not make more than two awards in respect of any one congress and may, at its discretion, make two, one, or none. (16) The Council shall not make more than five awards in any consecutive 20 years. (17) A trust fund shall be established for the provision of medals. The fund means may not be used for other purposes. The money provided shall be invested in valuable papers of the highest security in the name of the fund. Only interest shall be used to provide medals. The American Society of Photogrammetry administrates the fund by an appointed committee or a member of this society. Instructions for the administration must be approved by the Council of the International Society for Photogrammetry. Dit congres zal worden gehouden van 17 tot 26 juli 1956 in Med- borgarhuset en het Malmen Hotel te Stockholm, met technische excur sies in Zweden tussen 26 juli en 2 augustus. De aan het congres ver bonden tentoonstelling van fotogrammetrische en aanverwante instru menten, methoden en resultaten is geopend van 17 tot 25 juli. Voor alle inlichtingen betreffende het congres en de tentoonstelling kan men zich wenden tot The Photogrammetric Congress Bureau, Stockholm 70. Zeitschrift für Vermessungswesen, 1955, nr. 3. H. Veit: Kataster- vermessung und Photogrammetrie. De schrijver geeft eerst de standpunten van Pfitzer en Kurandt weer. Pfitzer zag het grote gebrek aan goede kaarten voor een kadaster

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Tijdschrift voor Kadaster en Landmeetkunde (KenL) | 1955 | | pagina 16