268 hope that lines of geoidal section may be observed in the following countries A. (I) In Italy: from Como to Otranto (II) From Corfu through Greece and the Aegean Islands to the Turkish West Coast; (III) In Turkey: from the West Coast to the Lebanese and Syrian frontier (IV) Through the Lebanon, Syria and Israel to the Egyptian frontier In Egyptfrom Israel to Cairo and in those parts of the Nile Valley where sufficient observations do not yet exist; In Norway: along latitude 6o° from the Swedish frontier to the Atlantic In Swedena meridional Section from latitude 6o° to latitude 56° and thence through Denmark to Germany In Germany and Austriafrom the neighbourhood of Strasbourg along the Danube to Vienna and beyond In Vugoslavia: from some point in Greece northwards to Belgrade and the Hungarian frontier. In countries where adequate section lines exist the I.U.G.G. also expresses the hope that further observations will eventually be made sufficient to determine the form of the geoid in the whole country. 11.International Geophysical Year The I.U.G.G., considering the opportunity offered by the Interna tional Geophysical Year during which several expeditions will be organized in the arctic, the antarctic and on islandsrecommends that gravimetric measurements should be made during these expedi tions over the largest areas possible on the polar continents and the greatest number of islands. B.Resolutions adopted by the International Association of Geodesy and transmitted to each National Committee. Section 1Triangulation 1. The International Association of Geodesy, considering the con ditions under which the general adjustment of the European Trian gulation Net has been performed during the preceding period, expresses the hope that an agreement could intervene between the interested countries in order that such homogeneous data obtained therefrom be used in the compilation of nautical charts and in the publication of data useful for navigation. 2. The I.A.G., considering that it is not feasible for each country to obtain the special equipment required for making precise geodetic length measurements, resolves that the Central Bureau initiates plans for the organization of an international base measurement and geodim- eter party, when it is fully determined that the latter method is (V) (VI) (VII) (VIII) (IX)

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Tijdschrift voor Kadaster en Landmeetkunde (KenL) | 1955 | | pagina 6