270 c) on the best means of utilising charts of gravity anomalies for the determination of potential (always remembering that directly observed values are preferable), d) on the means of obtaining the most accurate and most convenient values of orthometric heights. 4The I.A.G., in reviewing resolutions no. 6, no. 7, no. 8, adopted at the IXth General Assembly in Brussels, taking note that valuable research had been conducted as a result of these resolutionsconsider ing that this research should be continued and developed, reaffirms previous resolutions regarding 1) seasonal oscillations of the Earth's surface, 2) diurnal oscillations of the vertical and of the Earth's surface, 3) secular and sudden movements of the Earth's surface. 5. The I.A.G., considering that atmospheric refraction is capable of causing serious systematic errors in levelling carried out along a continuous slopethat these errors are related to the vertical gra dients of temperature and perhaps to humidityexpresses the hope that investigations be undertaken or continued in various countries with the idea of correcting in a practical way, so far as is possible, the levelling carried out along considerable slopes for the systematic effects of atmospheric refraction. 6. The I.A.G., considering that any adjustment, even a provisional one, of the European levelling networks will have scientific interest, e.g. in the study of the vertical movements of the earth's crust, and of the departure of mean sea-level from the geoidand that informa tion about the junctions between the different European levelling networks has now been nearly completely collected by Study Group no. 5, and that the simple approximate method proposed by Dr. T. J. Kukkamiiki gives satisfactory results on the basis of the material available, has adopted the resolution' that the work of Study Group no. 5, which has been working on the adjustment of the European levelling networks should be completed in the following way the collection of all available information about junctions between different European levelling networks should be completed, and a provisional adjustment should be made by the method proposed by Dr. T. J. Kukkamaki to bring the datums of different countries all into the same terms. 7. The I.A.G. reviewing the resolution no. 5 of the Brussels As sembly, considering that interesting research has taken place in Egypt regarding the statistical analysis of the results of levelling; consider ing that a more thorough analysis of the distribution errors would allo.w a better understanding of their physical natureconsidering that a better evaluation could probably be found, resolves that a study group be entrusted with the study of the most suitable means in order to apply the mathematical statistics to the analysis of levelling errors.

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Tijdschrift voor Kadaster en Landmeetkunde (KenL) | 1955 | | pagina 8