-2 +6 o 2 (8) 5 e,=-K1 e2+^2 e3 K1 ei e5= ^2 K K., &n4 &n3 T~ K2 en—2 K1 - &n1 A en Ki K, K, The matrix O" of the normal-equations (II, 4) becomes: +6 2 oo o o O O 2 O +6 2 +6 2 o 2 +6 2 o 0 2 +6 2 o 2 +6 It is symmetrical about both its diagonals. B) The tensor of cofactors of the correlates and together with it the solution of the normal-equations is directly given, if the special properties of the matrix (8) are used. The solution of the set of equations Gpa Kp t° is given by GPO t° KP and the relation between Gp° and Gpa by the Kronecker delta. Ppc According the theorem of Cramer is Gpa in which Tp° represents the minor of G"° and A the value of the determinant I G?° The Gpa with equal indices are assumed to be equal, and also those in which the relation 0 p 1 exists between the indices. The Gpa o if 0 p 2. The rank of the determinant is b. It can be proved that the elements of the first row of the inverse matrix Gpo are: A-G1i6= (G1-2) 1 (the sign is if b is an odd number) Gh b—i P.Gh b Gi, b-2 P-G1: b—i Gh b Gh j__3 P.G1i b—2 Gh b—i etc. bi 1 inclusive in which P and A G1'2 (P.Gj xGl 2). G1'2 The elements of the second row are: G2j b_1 P.G2: b G2j b—2~P-G2, b—iG2y b etc. b i —2 inclusive.

Digitale Tijdschriftenarchief Stichting De Hollandse Cirkel en Geo Informatie Nederland

Tijdschrift voor Kadaster en Landmeetkunde (KenL) | 1957 | | pagina 13