rpp (rp s?; see n)- i8 Generally for equation 6 is, assuming that all preceding equations are replaced: „OL0 JJP MJ7 A a 15 (p#a). (4) 71 p gxPtyZJe The new coefficients become U° Aa Up w (5) a p a 1 a and the normal-equations g«e ï/e C/p T". (6) a p This method is one of the main methods of solution by orthogonal - ization. In the particular case of ga|3 I (a (3) and g0"9 o (a'^ (3) the method is described in Jordan-Eggert "Handbuch für Vermessungskunde Band i" as "Reduced condition-equations because the ^4° represent the coefficients met in the Gaussian algorithm. In this way of calculation, the solution of the equations (i) degenerates in computing the reciprocal values of Goo, and the products L"o L+a (p cr) are cancelled. To facilitate the calculations the condition-equations (2) are submitted to a linear transformation. It was MPPa MP with cofactors ga|3. The transformation is P3 g«9 Rx. The inverse transformation is The new cofactors become, according to the law of propagation of the moduli: gay g3p gYE ga3 as gay grs 11 if a an(f SW gYE 0 if If P« is replaced by the observation p« then the quasi observation r* for R" is obtained: r« r)« gap pv e or yf gap eand d3 gapl T)a. 7)« G«9Cp. (7) The new conditions are, putting t/£ ga[iwjp TTo Ruo with cofactors Ga13. a o The solution is finally 7)3= IJo K9 (8) but also, substituting (7) in (8): Gr3 eY G^ UoKp

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Tijdschrift voor Kadaster en Landmeetkunde (KenL) | 1957 | | pagina 26