24 el .228=+ .4012 X .149 -f- .0798 X .618 .0101 X .122 r -0990 X 3.533 .0635 X .187 ei -136, etc. e\ e1 .3495 x .1492—2X .0798X .149X .618 2 X X .0083 x .149 X .122 etc. -205 «3 .3495X.149X .298 .0798 (.149X.236 298X.618) -0083 .149 X .1747 .298 X .122) .0050 (.149 X .749 .298x3.533) etc. .023. el -38056 x .149+ .09520 x .571 -3943 X .062 .07923 x X 3.465 .06256 x .975 —.227; e3 e e1 .2416 x .5712 .0115 x .0622 .0087 x 3-4Ö52 0.160 x X -9752 4- .20s as x.9752 .205; 5. 5 I lx T -29274. .24162, -|- .OII54, 1'1 2,2 3,3 M 4,4 .00868, 1 .01596 =Gp„. e1, e3 .023. VII. Discussion. A. An investigation of the cofactors-tensor of the directions after their orientation, once the adjustment of the triangles is ready, shows that in a triangle-chain only the symmetry about the second diagonal is maintained. This can be derived either by expressing the oriented directions as functions of the original directions and their corrections, or by using the newly derived tensor. Moreover the relations between the tensors of chains with different numbers of triangles are not simple. In chains of quadrilaterals, even the symmetry about the second diagonal vanishes, although other lines of symmetry appear, so that not every cofactor has to be calculated. As in the triangle- chain, no simple relation exists either between the tensors of various numbers of quadrilaterals. In both cases no general tensor can be given. B. When angles are observed instead of directions, the tensor after the adjustment of the angle-conditions is very simple, as every triangle is adjusted separately. The calculations as treated in V can always be applied if necessary. C. It is emphasized that in the calculations of III and IV no approximations occur. D. The new way of computing will now be compared with the

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Tijdschrift voor Kadaster en Landmeetkunde (KenL) | 1957 | | pagina 32