Fédération Internationale des Géomètres Commission I; Dictionnaire technique Rapport national des Pays-Bas, 1953-1958 2X5 determination of the national territory. For the Rijksdienst voor het Natio nale Plan (physical planning service) and the local authorities a map is com piled on land use. In addition, the Topografische Dienst handles various assignments for outside clients. The maps of the Topogr. Dienst are based on the system of coordinates of the national triangulation, so that exchange of data with the Cadastre and other services is again a simple matter. The Nederlandse Heide Maatschappij is a non-profit institution for rural engineering, handling both planning and execution in this field. Ancillary companies act as consultants and in some cases as contractors for rural engineering work abroad. Like its counterpart in private businessthe Grontmijthe Heide Maatschappij has a surveying department of its own, often collaborating closely with the Cadastre on work within the Netherlands. All aerial photography for photogrammetric mapping purposes in the Netherlands is done by the recording service of K.L.M. Aerocarto NV. The Cartographic section of this company does contract work for aerial photogrammetry and mapping on any scale and handles related surveying operations in the Netherlands as well as abroad. The engineering firm Van Steenis engages in surveying operations for the preparation of engineering projects of various types, sometimes in cooper ation with the Cadastre. The firm, which until recently had 152 employees, also handles work abroad for road and railway construction, port engineering and petroleum prospection. This survey of services and institutions in the Netherlands should not end without some notes on institutions for research and training in the field of surveying. The International Training Centre for Aerial Survey (I.T.C.) concentrates on the study of photogrammetric problems; many foreign students are trained here in the use of photogrammetric methods and instruments. The Laboratorium voor Geodesie of the Technische Hogeschool in Delft is the centre for research and teaching where 'geodetisch-ingenieurs' (sur veying and geodetic engineers) get their training. The Landbouwhogeschool (agric. university) at Wageningen has a labo ratory for surveying, where rural engineers, forestry engineers and landscape architects are trained. The surveying department of the Hogere Technische School in Utrecht trains surveyors in a three-year course from university-entrance level, with training centred on practical aspects. Ir. F. HARKINK, La Haye: La Fédération des Géomètres et Topographes Néerlandais a délégué a la Commission du Dictionnaire Technique Ir. F. Harkink. II a participié aux séances plénières a Paris (1953), Bale (1954) et Lausanne (1955). Littérature publiée aux Pays-Bas de 1949 a 1957, susceptible d'etre utilisée pour le choix des termes et leurs définitions: N. D. Haasbroek, Nomografie. 300 p. 1949. F. Harkink, Inleiding tot het praktisch rekenen (Introduction au calcul pratique). 2me éd. 234 p. 1949. A. J. van der Weele, Fotogrammetrie. 144 p. 1951. W. Schermerhorn et H. J. van Steenis, Leerboek der landmeetkunde (Traité de topométrie). 3me éd. 502 p. 1953.

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Tijdschrift voor Kadaster en Landmeetkunde (KenL) | 1958 | | pagina 17