266 ingly worked towards better training. This was achieved in progressive stages, resulting finally in the course for geodetic engineers at Delft, a degree offering many possibilities beside the career of the cadastral surveyor. The first systematic course training surveyors for the Cadastral Survey was established in 1918. Although even then the Technische Hogeschool at Delft was considered, training was organized in the form of a course of 3J years at the Landbouwhogeschool (Univ. college of agriculture) at Wageningen: partly because it was thought that at the Technische Hoge school surveying would be considered an ancillary science, partly because some training in rural engineering was considered desirable for the cadastral surveyor, and the Landbouwhogeschool offered better facilities for this. Training at any rate thus was established on an academical level. With a school-leaving certificate at university entrance level for the science fac ulties and having obtained better than average results for mathematical subjects, students now could take their geodetic, legal and rural engineering training in 3J years at the Landbouwhogeschool. On satisfactory completion of this course they were taken on the staff of the Cadastral Survey as apprentice surveyors, attaining the position of sur veyor on passing another examination, more practical in nature, about a year later. Although this was a considerable step forward, criticism was heard in later years regarding the mathematical and geodetic side of the programme. It was felt by many that this part could be done more justice at the Tech nische Hogeschool Delft. Particularly professor Tienstra, then a lecturer in the Landbouwhogeschool and professor Schermerhorn of the Technische Hogeschool were active in this direction, and the result was that in 1935 training was transferred to the Technische Hogeschool at Delft. Courses remained at 31, years, leading to the diploma of "civiel-landmeter" (civil- surveyor). This was not an engineering degree ("ingenieur") as could be obtained after 5 or 6 years in other departments of the Technische Hogeschool. It took as long as 1948 for a full 5-years course in surveying, levelling and geodesy to be established in the Technische Hogeschool, thus making it possible to grant the degree of "geodetisch ingenieur" to those succesfully completing the course. In this way, geodetic training was put on the same level as the courses for civil, architectural, mechanical, naval, aircraft, electrical, chemical, mining and physical engineers at the Technische Hoge school in Delft. Teaching staff and facilities were organized as a sub-de partment Geodesy under the department of civil engineering, one to the nine departments of the Technische Hogeschool. The present course of study for geodetic engineers The programme is based on a period of 5 years, but as most students extend their last year by some months, actual time taken is often 5J to 6 years. The official schedule is as follows: After 1st year: "propaedeutisch" examination 1st part (Pi) After 2nd year: "propaedeutisch" examination 2nd part (P2) After 3rd year: "kandidaats" examination 1st part (Ci) After 4th year: "kandidaats" examination 2nd part (C2) After 5th year: "ingenieurs" examination (I) The academic year runs from september to july and is used as follows: a) 27 teaching weeks; 12 before Christmas (october-Christmas) 15 after Christmas (january to 1st may) b) 11 weeks vacation2 weeks at Christmas 2 weeks at Easter 7 weeks in summer c) 3 weeks preparation for examinations (1-22 may) d) 3 weeks for examinations (22 may to 15 june) e) 4 weeks between examinations and long vacation f) 4 weeks between long vacation and lecture period (noviciate for fresh men in students' associations, and also examinations).

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Tijdschrift voor Kadaster en Landmeetkunde (KenL) | 1958 | | pagina 68