26 7 It will be seen that only just over half a year is available for lecturing and that the total of vacations is n weeks. This statement however is misleading as the long vacation and also the periods e) and f) are used entirely or in part for laboratory and field work. Students, incidentally, are free to attend or not to attend lectures as they please, something the Netherlands are different in from most institutions of higher technical education abroad. The breakdown given above also shows that there is no division of the academic year into semesters or terms. The following is an analysis of subjects taught in the various years, of which a detailed list will be found at the end of this report. In the first two years, the basic subjects of mathematics, physics and some mechanics are taught, together with an introduction to land surveying, to law, to practical computation, map drawing and cadastral administration. The basic subjects are given special attention. Analysis, analytical geometry and to a lesser extent differential geometry are taught for many hours in the first two years, and some geology is also given. There is a parallel programme of study for mine surveyors, with only minor differences, e.g. law being replaced by more emphasis on geology and mineralogy. In the third and fourth year time is used to give the student a sufficiently wide overview of geodetic and legal subjects and of land use. Whereas for P/ and P2 all subjects are compulsory, from the third year on there is a division into main, optional and facultative subjects in accordance with specialization in the 5th year. According to the professional orientation of the future engineer, one of four branches may be taken in the fifth yeai preparing for the final examinations: a) geodesy b) photogrammetry c) administration of landed property and rural engineering d) surveying for exploration. Compulsory subjects for these four branches are different and consist of main and optimal subjects, for the latter the student may select from a number of possible combinations. In addition there are the subjects which, although not compulsory, are recommended for one or more of the four branches mentioned; these are called "facultative" subjects. Optional and facultative subjects must be selected at the beginning of the third year, in consultation with the faculty (sub-department). Much attention is given in these years to practical training by field work. The second half of the fourth year is set aside for this purpose, and during long vacations in the first, second and third year students also have to spend a few weeks in a summer camp where surveying is practised under Tech nische Hogeschool auspices, and in addition 3 weeks must be spent in practical work for an office of the Cadastral Survey. During the long vacation after the third year the student has also to do four weeks of practical work in photogrammetry. Many students go abroad for their field work in the second half of the fourth year. Aiter this latter period of field work the student must establish his final choice among the four branches for his final degree. The first selection of subjects centres on mathematical, physical and statistical geodesy; the second is mainly photogrammetry; the third branch, which includes legal subjects, planning and rural engineering, is destined specifically for those who intend to go into the Cadastral Survey or into rural reallocation work, while the fourth branch has been established for those who intend to work abroad for exploration and prospecting operations. This branch includes, in addition to surveying, descriptive subjects of civil engineering. In this fifth year, which is usually extended by some months, the student has to prepare one or more reports and to give one or several lectures on special subjects to be selected in consultation with the teaching staff. In this period the student works mostly by himself, often doing research, results of which may be described in the reports. Especially in this period there is close

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Tijdschrift voor Kadaster en Landmeetkunde (KenL) | 1958 | | pagina 69