show the order of magnitudes correctly. If so the effect on N/a is 0.6 X io"6. For the A2 to A7 I have taken the root of the sum of the squares of the 2n i normalised coefficients given in the Report. It is desirable that these harmonics be better determined: but I have no plan for this except with the natural growth of data. Meantime I think that the determination of N is reliable to the amount stated. I am equally satisfied that a determination of the integral with alone, over a limited portion of the whole globe may be very faulty. Although and A/ are made equal at only 8 specified values of I have found that the two functions are sensibly equal at the inter mediate values, for which I have found agreement by computation. The functions show sensible difference for values between 30° and 50° but that can reasonably be neglected. Examination of the curves;in figure x, in which I have plotted /.sin 4". M) s™ in blue and red, and of their difference in green, shows that the latter has negligible values beyond say 250: and one might even be content with neglect of values beyond 20°. In this way, by use of Afor one may correctly ignore the portions of the Earth beyond 20° from the computation point. 200 EARTH-SHAPE AND POTENTIAL Y 20° 40°' 60° 60° 100° 120° 140° 160° f sin y A f sin Y (f-if)s\r,y

Digitale Tijdschriftenarchief Stichting De Hollandse Cirkel en Geo Informatie Nederland

Tijdschrift voor Kadaster en Landmeetkunde (KenL) | 1961 | | pagina 10