oi Yu 242 P with respect to the stations I, II, III etc. respectively. This con dition is mentioned and investigated in the literature [i], [2]. (See figure 3.) It appears that the orientation bearings should be situated at angles of less than 71/2 with the bearing 4>i.p on both sides of this line. The lengths of these bearings should be short, even shorter than the distance di p. not on scale 6= Gravity point of A and should coincide with 0 Figure 3 The third term on the right hand side of the equation (12) however does not attain a minimum when the distances d\ i are short, on the contrary it increases in value as both the a and b coefficients are inversely proportional to these distances. This term is discussed in the sections 4 and 5. 3. The method of intersection is frequently used for the measure ment of dam deflections [3]. A typical triangulation is shown in the figure 4. The reference stations outside the pressure zone of the dam are IV and V the coordinates of which are assumed free of errors. A rigorous adjustment of the triangulation of the forward reference stations I, II, and III is carried out. If the coordinates and the orientations are introduced as parameters, the matrix of weight coefficients becomes: Xi Y1 Xu Yu Oi On On 1 Xi Yi On Om QxiXi QxiYi QxiXll QxjYu QyiYi QyiXu QyiYu Qxnxn QxuYu Qyuyu QxiOl QxiOn QxiOlll QyiOi QyiOu QYiOiu QxnOl QxilOll Qx\\Oil\ Qyu01 QYuOu QYhOiu Q01O1 QoiOll QoiOlU Qonou Qonoiu QoiuOUl

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Tijdschrift voor Kadaster en Landmeetkunde (KenL) | 1963 | | pagina 10