251 TABLE I P <V 3) i n («;-(/)/. The same procedure applied to formula (46) (three orientation bearings) gives: P for p i the weight is estimated higher by a factor of approxi mately 1.2. For longer distances the differences become extremely large. However compared with (46) the weight is estimated smaller by a factor 2 if p 2, but larger by the same factor if p 10. It is clear from the curves y1 and y2 in figure 5, and also from the tables 1 and 2 that the relative precision diminishes according to the orientation bearings becoming longer. This fact (which is intuitively felt) is not directly evident from the formula (47). 6. In connection with the derivations of the previous sections the following guiding rules are recommended for the reconnaissance of an intersection: 3 di.p 100 200 500 1000 2000 5000 metres c2di.Py 2 5256 2704 1x72 661 385 252 i 2.C2dip 4526 2339 1026 588 369 238 2 4 c2di_P 8158 4168 1760 955 553 315 3 14000 7099 2942 1537 843 427 5 ioc2di,p 27869 14000 5698 2924 10 20C2di,p 63608 31878 12852 6500 3747 1924 830 465 282 173 formula 47 TABLE 2 2 <y'y (0 3) di.p IOO 200 500 1000 2000 5000 metres I V2 3 C2di,p\2 3l60 1647 740 436 279 194 1 2C2di_p 26x4 1373 629 381 257 183 2 ^c2dip 1884 1009 483 308 221 168 3 6c2d!P 2322 1227 571 352 242 177 5 ioc2dj,P 3041 1592 717 425 279 10 20C2di.P 6700 3283 1447 717 461 3747 1924 830 465 282 172 formula 47

Digitale Tijdschriftenarchief Stichting De Hollandse Cirkel en Geo Informatie Nederland

Tijdschrift voor Kadaster en Landmeetkunde (KenL) | 1963 | | pagina 19