which are the differences in coordinates of the centroid mentioned above and the inverse point of station I on the a-b coordinate system, apart from a scale factor. It is then seen that V1 caAYi c^AXi w I \auAYi bijAXivai i vi p. The law of propagation of errors applied to this gives in partly symbolical notation: 1 n +(CaQvi CbQxt)2S2 (~1^) 2 V («I-iQy, +&I-iC)A'f)2 t This relationship can be derived for the other stations II, III etc. and also the covariances aFi„n, Gvivm etc. One should avoid unnecessary complications of correlation by omitting the occupied stations I, II, III etc. as mutual orientation points in the field. In order to minimize cr^i the orientation bearings (]>ishould be selected in the field so as to reduce the distances ca and cj to a minimum. This term would be zero if the centroid of the inverse points of the orientation stations i coincides with the inverse point of station 241 Inverse point of P not on scale b Figure 2 i n l i 1 (II) i - n 1 i- 1 (I

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Tijdschrift voor Kadaster en Landmeetkunde (KenL) | 1963 | | pagina 9