Nederlandse Landmeetkundige Federatie Verslag van de Geodetische studiedag, gehouden op vrijdag 24 april 1964 te Wageningen Bij de opening heet de voorzitter, Prof. ir. G. F. Witt, de 130 aanwezigen hartelijk welkom; een bijzonder woord van welkom richt hij tot het erelid Prof. dr. ir. W. Schermerhorn, de genodig den en het bestuur van het landmeetkundig gezelschap „Snellius". 20Ó economic point of view (production pattern of small flexibility, constant prices of products and increasing labour costs), is also treated. In connection with this, the relation between the effects of land consolidation works on the income of the farmer has been established (figure 4). A spectacular exam ple of enlargement of holdings is given in figure 5. The increasing amount of aspects, especially of the non-agrarian factors, imply necessarily a more general approach of consolidation projects. The influence of the parcellation on physical planning aspects in the Netherlands can be seen from figure 6. Land consolidation projects now include in several cases the complete physical planning of large rural regions. The greater development of the landscape plan gives rise to juridical problems, especially with regard to allocation of the purchasing costs of the area needed for this purpose, and of the costs of execution and maintenance. An even larger problem of physical planning is the resettlement of farm buildings from villages, etc., to their fields (figure 7, 8 and 9). This requires nowadays in many projects up to 15 to 20% of the total costs. In connection with the rapid changes in farm management, which bring with it a changing function of the farm buildings, the economy of this part of the projects is again coming into question. The effect of resettling of farms on the distance to parcels, on the number of parcels and on road designing has been studied. In this article special attention has been given to the effect on the distance from farm to field (table 2 and 3). Mention is made of a new graphical method which facilitates the evaluation of a proposed resettlement of farm buildings. Starting with a certain road pattern and a certain situation of the buildings, it is possible to make a re allocation plan that is optimal with regard to the distances from farmbuilding to fields (figure 10). Litteratuur Duin, R. H. A. van, Problemen van plattelandsinrichting. Cultuurtechniek 1, 3: 76 en 1, 4: 113. Verspr. Overdruk I.C.W. 9 (1963). Flach, A. J., Verkeer op landbouwwegen in graslandgebieden. (Zal ver schijnen in Landbouwk. Tijdschrift, 1964.) Gelderen, C. van, Het optimale plan van toedeling uit het oogpunt van kavelafstand. Nota I.C.W. 252 (1964). Kisters, P., Bedrijfsvergroting in de ruilverkaveling Borger. Landbouwk. Tijdschrift 70, 11: 790 (1958). Krijger, P. D. en R. Maris, Cultuurtechniek. Wolters, Groningen (1959). Locht, L. J., Het effect van cultuurtechnische investeringen in afhankelijk heid van de mobiliteit van arbeid en vermogen. Cultuurt. Tijdschrift 2, 4: 156 en 3, 4: 170 (1962/1963). Meijerman, G. C., Cultuurtechniek en lineaire programmering. (Zal ver schijnen in Landbouwk. Tijdschrift, 1964.) Spijk, P., Grondslagen van de berekening van de kosten van aanleg van openbare nutsvoorzieningen in ruilverkavelingsgebieden. Nota I.C.W. 264 (1964). Righolt, J. W. en C. van Wijk, Boerderijverplaatsing en ontsluiting m de ruilverkaveling Maas en Waal-West. Meded. I.C.W. 40 (1962).

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Tijdschrift voor Kadaster en Landmeetkunde (KenL) | 1964 | | pagina 46