ÏH 79 application: defined by the inputoutput facilities, and by the desired performance level; quality determined by the accuracy, reliability and stability, economy defined by time, cost, and facilities for maintenance. The tests should be conducted according to the same principles as those used in the design of the system. The mathematical models upon which the functioning of a system is based, are known from the stage of design. The requirements on application, quality and economy should have been mutually balanced at that stage. ZZÏ fig. 2 The procedure of design, shown in this figure, can be applied to several alternative solutionsthe optimum solution is accepted. Our further interest will be devoted to the evaluation of quality. The quality is determined with respect to two basic properties: EVALUATION APPLICATION QUALITY^nrtfËCONOMY fig. i initial specifications ENVIRONMENT QUALITY APPLICATION ECONOMY SYNTHESIS feedback DESIGN OF SYSTEM CONFIGURATION -H ANALOGUE MODEL ANALYSIS OF PERFORMANCE MATHEMATICAL MODEL SYSTEM ANALYSIS EXPERIMENT theoret cal PERFORMANCE experimental

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Tijdschrift voor Kadaster en Landmeetkunde (KenL) | 1967 | | pagina 25