fig- 5 For the tests related to the stage, or the phase of the instrument state, the following distinction can be made: a) the stage of design and construction b) the stage of assembling or general adjustment, laboratory tests c) the stage of research or investigations d) the stage of productive operation j routine tests Regarding the purpose, the tests can be subdivided into: a) the comparative testswhere the comparison may apply to: I) competitive systems or components of them (relative tests), II) a predetermined set of criteria (absolute tests), III) periodic tests of the same instrument (relative tests). The comparative tests apply to the overall performance; their broadness is essential. b) the detective tests, having the task of: I) detecting the sources of individual disturbances in the pro cess, II) detecting the changes in individual disturbances between successive tests applied to the same instrument. The detective tests apply to specific parametersthe sharpness of detection is essential. 82 1 PURPOSE I- TESTS ON PHYSICAL PERFORMANCE STAGE TYPE MEANS MODE - DESIGN - ASSEMBLING - RESEARCH - OPERATION laboratory tests routin tests - COMPARISON - DETECTDN -SPECIAL APPLICATIONS - INTEGRAL - DIFFERENTIAL -STANDARD INPUTS -AUXILIARY DEVICES - STATIONARY - DYNAMIC

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Tijdschrift voor Kadaster en Landmeetkunde (KenL) | 1967 | | pagina 28