strategies are not represented by the same point. It will be evident that in choosing a strategy we only need consider strategies that are not dominated by any other strategy. These are called admissible strategies. The points representing them will not have any other point (representing a strategy) to the left and below them. At this stage we consider randomized strategies. Suppose the decision maker has come to the conclusion that he considers Si and s5 to be good strategies, but that he cannot choose between them. He tosses a coin, having decided beforehand that he will take si if it falls heads and s5 otherwise. This mixture of strategies is itself a new type of strategy, a randomized one. It is not difficult to prove that it is represented by a point lying midway between the points Si and s5. Using this principle with different probabilities it is clear that we may consider any point of the line segment si-s5 to represent a random mixture of Si and s5. It is clear that the set of all strategies (pure and randomized) is represented by the convex set S of points bounded by the lines connecting si-S2-S3-s7- -s8-s5-si. As a result of the admission of randomized strategies, s6 has become inadmissible, because it is dominated by mixtures of s5 and s8. The admissible strategies are now those represented by points on the admissible part of the boundary s7-s8-s5-si. From these a choice will have to be made. This choice will depend on what one regards as "optimal". The minimax expected loss criterion is based on the following consideration: Suppose nature is doing her best to let us suffer as much loss as possible. Then we should select that strategy whereby the maximum expected loss is as small as possible. If we first restrict ourselves to the expected losses of the pure strategies in table 5, we see that the maximum losses in each column are The strategy Si has the smallest maximum loss, which is 25, occurring when O2 is true. This is the minimax expected loss strategy among the pure strategies. If we take the randomized strategies into account, we find the minimax expected loss strategy by letting a square, whose left bottom corner lies in the origin, increase in size until some part of it touches the convex set 5 of the points representing the strategies. This is illustrated in fig. 2, where the procedure yields s9 as the minimax expected loss strategy. Clearly, s9 is a random mixture of Si and s5. From the ratio of the segments sis9 and s5s9 it follows that s9 chooses Si with probability 0.826 and s5 with probability 0.174. From table 2 we recall: if fa, fa, fa are observed, Si takes the actions «1, a\, ai and s5 takes «2, #1, «1- The strategies differ only if fa is observed, so s9 also takes «1 when fa or fa is observed. If fa is observed, s9 uses a chance mechanism for the mentioned probabilities to choose between s 1 and s5. i3i Si S2 S3 *4 S6 58 25 25-24 31-76 26.51 25-24 3°-49 37 3I-76

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Tijdschrift voor Kadaster en Landmeetkunde (KenL) | 1967 | | pagina 13