p{011 h] psm 1 °-3°8 136 By the definition of conditional probability we have nro 1 def P{01 and M P{0i and fs} we find from p(f L 1 def p{01 and Pit* 161) p{01} P{6x and <2} P{0i} P}<2 I 61} ft is given that P{0i} 0.2. P{t2 i 0i} is the probability to observe t2 if 0i is the state of nature. This probability is, according to table 3 P{t2 I 0x} 0.3830 Hence: P{0i and h) 0.2 X 0.3830 0.0766 P{h} is the probability to observe t2. According to table 3, and taking account of the probabilities of 0i and 02, it is: 0.2 X 0.3830 0.8 X 0.0428 0.1108 Hence: P{0i |f2}=-^|= 0.692. We also compute P{02 h) P{tz I ©2} 0.0428, and P{02} 0.8. Hence: P{02 and t2} 0.8 x 0.0428 0.0342 P{k} 0.1108 It follows that We execute a check: P{0i I h) P{02 I h) 0.692 0.308 1 We have now a "no data" problem with the a posteriori proba bilities P'^Oi} 0.692 and P'{®2} 0.308 The risks are: for «1: 0.692 x 20 0.308 X 25 7.70 for a2: 0.692 x 17 0.308 X o 11.76 The Bayes action is a\.

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Tijdschrift voor Kadaster en Landmeetkunde (KenL) | 1967 | | pagina 18