I4I instruments than on the actual purpose of the survey. A certain link to the requirements of society can be found in many instruc tions for cadastral surveys, where different accuracy requirements are prescribed for e.g. rural, semi-rural and urban areas. In the technical manual of the Netherlands cadastre W. Baarda made a further stepthe accuracy specifications for survey lines and lowest order traverses may be made dependent on the precision with which marked boundary lines, e.g. ditches or hedges, can be identi fied and defined. In an intuitive way this has probably often been done by good surveyors, but the directives mentioned work out the principle on a rational and quantitative basis. It must be said that there are difficulties attached to the assessment of the uncer tainty implied in a given type of boundary, and still more to the question how far the type of boundary mark gives an indication of the utility of a boundary strip of land for the proprietor. In "higher" geodesy viewed as a pure science, and in science in general, it seems virtually impossible to attach utilities to different outcomes of decisions such as accepting or rejecting hypotheses. In the design of plane or geodetic control networks there always is an element of economy, and there usually is a somewhat closer connection to the needs of society. But in general they serve many purposes and it remains very difficult to find an objective measure of utility: what is the loss of utility if a trigonometric point's coordinates are 10 centimetres wrong, or i meter? But a question which also arises is whether accuracy requirements should pertain to coordinates, or to coordinate differences, or to angles and distance ratios computed from coordinates. Once questions like these have been answered, the next one is what instruments and methods should be used and what shape the network to be established should have. The question how one makes the most efficient use of available instruments and methods calls again for decisions; the relevant study might properly be called operations research. In an excellent chapter on models, Chernoff and Moses [3] say the task of constructing adequate workable models seems to be a major aspect of the "art" in the various sciences". Mathe matical and computational techniques have the full attention of geodesists but the decision-theory approach raises the question whether a realistic model for utility in geodesy can be made. Summarizing, decision theory is important for geodesists in that it provides a clarifying view of statistical methods, and in that it requires a complete specification of all the factors in a decision problem, thereby tending to stimulate what might be called "ratio nal behaviour" in geodesy. References: [1] Bazhanov, K. V., The use of linear programming methods in the organization of geodetic field work. Geodesy and Aerophotography 3 (1963) page 169.

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Tijdschrift voor Kadaster en Landmeetkunde (KenL) | 1967 | | pagina 23