144 cos A d9 ~M sin A AT ds (2.1.1) iv cos 9 r 1 tan 9 sin T dA ds In these formulas we denote by 9 latitude X longitude A azimuth s distance M radius of curvature of the meridian N radius of curvature of the prime vertical Further the values of all variables in a point P0 (90, X0, A0, s0 o) are given. The values of 9, X and A in a point P at a distance s of P0 have to be computed. o H a Figure 1. By dividing the distance s into n parts, the values of the variables in P can be computed by applying Runge-Kutta n times. For this computation an algol procedure, named gi6, has been written (see appendix). 2.2 Some technical aspects of the computation. Technical aspects are the accuracy, the step size and sometimes the computing time. The accuracy is related to a parameter, named eps, of the proce dure. The procedure tests the computed geographical coordinates by computing first with a step size of h and after that with a step size hj2.

Digitale Tijdschriftenarchief Stichting De Hollandse Cirkel en Geo Informatie Nederland

Tijdschrift voor Kadaster en Landmeetkunde (KenL) | 1967 | | pagina 26