148 jj, s constant Another method is to replace the ellipsoidal triangle by a spherical one. Now we can compute dA with the formulas of spherical trigonometry, which are easier to handle than those of Helmert (unless we take Helmert's approximate formula which is only valid for short lines). The replacement of the ellipsoidal triangle PoPiP'i by a spherical one gives according to D. N. P. Brandsma ([6]) a good approxi mation of dA if we use a sphere with a radius of a and if we take the length of PoP'i and PiP'i on the sphere equal to the corre sponding length on the ellipsoid. We compute dA with (3.1.6). tan A1! cot B 4- 1 (3.1.6) tan dA v sin a cos (p1 sin AX cos Axi in which cot B sin cpi tan -^L 2 a s'/a AX =^L(Xi-X>i) - Y cos a (cot B tan A (3-1-7) With this approximation of dA we compute a new approximation A2o of Ao with A2o A10 dA. With this azimuth A2o the geodesic can be computed again. The process is repeated until the difference between Pi and P\ is less than s. For e we choose the accuracy of latitude of Pi and we assume that the accuracy of the longitude of Pi is e/cos cpj. The process of computing the geodesic and the correction dA stops if

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Tijdschrift voor Kadaster en Landmeetkunde (KenL) | 1967 | | pagina 30