w*(<pl1 - 149 !Xh Xi| e/cos 91 (3-1.8) If we compute the geodesic with (3.1.3) then we get a point P\ with the coordinates cph, Xi, see figure 5. The ellipsoidal triangle is also replaced by a spherical one and dA can be computed in this spherical triangle with the formula (3-I-9). Figure 5. tan dA sin Ah sin a tan Acp in which: cos A1! cos a a s'/a (3.1.9) (3-I.IO) With this approximation of d.4 we compute a new approximation A2o of Ao with A2o A1o dA. With this azimuth A2o the geodesic can be recomputed. We repeat this process until the difference between Pi and Ph is less than s, see (3.1.11). |<pi 9 l| (3-i.ii) For this computation an algol procedure has been written (see appendix). 3.2 Some technical aspects of the computation. The method described in 3.1 is an iterative process, and the question arises in how far this process is convergent. An exact analytical proof of the convergence has not been found by the author, but several test computations have indicated a very good convergence. In most cases the required accuracy is reached in 2 to 4 iterations.

Digitale Tijdschriftenarchief Stichting De Hollandse Cirkel en Geo Informatie Nederland

Tijdschrift voor Kadaster en Landmeetkunde (KenL) | 1967 | | pagina 31