155 These procedures are written in algol '60 with modifications according to the alcok convention. Description of the formal parameters of g 16 and £17 integer i The pointnumber of the initial point of the geodesic, from i to ji is an odd number. integer j The pointnumber of the terminal point of the geodesic, from i to jj is an odd number. array bgz [1 :hp+i] Array with geographical coordinates of the points of the net. The points are odd numbered beginning with 1. hp is the highest point- number. In bgz[i] stands cpi and in bgz[i+i] stands A array saa [113] saa [1] the length of the geodesic from point i to point j. saa [2] the azimuth in point i of the geode sic from point i to point j. saa [3] the azimuth in point j of the geodesic from point i to point j. array ellips [1:2] Parameters a and b of the ellipsoid concerned. Only if num 0 these values must be given in the procedure. For the other cases the values of a and b are known to the procedure. integer num This number indicates the ellipsoid that has to be used. num =- 0 The parameters a and b of the ellipsoid are given by the program which activites the procedure, num 1 The ellipsoid of Hayford. num 2 The ellipsoid of Bessel. num 3 The ellipsoid of Everest 1830. num 4 The ellipsoid of Clarke 1866. num 5 The ellipsoid of Krassowsky. num 6 The ellipsoid of Bomford-Fisher 1961. real eps Accuracy, in sexagesimal seconds, of the latitude of point j. It is assumed that the accuracy of the longi tude of point j is eps/cos(bgz[j]). The azimuth is computed with an accuracy of eps*ellips[i]/saa[i]. procedure nu8 Procedure for the numerical solution of the differential equations by the method of Runge-Kutta.

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Tijdschrift voor Kadaster en Landmeetkunde (KenL) | 1967 | | pagina 37