5 2 5 io 20 125 for other values he will decide the opposite: he chooses a strategy, a decision rule which will tell him what action to take. The object of decision theory is to find good strategies, i.e. strategies which have some optimum property regarding the expected losses of utility. It will be clear that the surveyor's situation has already been simplified very much in the above description. We have restricted the possibility of a gross error to one of 10 cm in one of the measure ments, whereas in reality he might have made a gross error of any size in both measurements. Furthermore he has more available actions than just remeasure or not remeasure: for example he may go home and ask his wife what to do. In other respects too, we have idealized the situation, in other words, we have adopted a model to describe the situation. As remarked before, the simplification is very drastic for expository reasons, but any more detailed descrip tion would still be only a model, leaving less important aspects out of consideration. We will now specify the model more systematically. (The computation of the losses of utility is of course based on fancy the losses have been expressed in some monetary unit denoted by which should not give rise to the impression that utility is the same as amount of money). The model is as follows: a. The possible states of nature 0. 0ithere is a gross error of io cm in one of the measure ments. 02there is no gross error. b. The available actions a. ai\ remeasure. «2: not remeasure. c. The losses of utility l(%,a). c.i 0i, «i (there is a gross error, the distance is remeasured) a. a. Half an hour's work b. Another small job in the same area which might have been done on the same day has to be post poned to to-morrow. The surveyor will have to return for it. Travelling time etc. b. fio 20 l(Qi,ai) c.2 02, «i (no gross error, the distance is remeasured) a. The same costs as under c.i b. Annoyance because the remeasurement was actually unnecessary ^(02,«l)

Digitale Tijdschriftenarchief Stichting De Hollandse Cirkel en Geo Informatie Nederland

Tijdschrift voor Kadaster en Landmeetkunde (KenL) | 1967 | | pagina 7