f. The expected losses. The probability of making a certain observation h, fa or fa depends of course on the state of nature, i.e. on the presence or absence of a gross error. e2 q 8 10 12 0 8 12 In fig. i, the situation has been sketched for the cases t o and +io cm. The different possibilities can be visualized by considering the areas under different parts of the curves. For simplicity we can neglect some extremely small left tail regions for 6i, and find in a table of the normal distribution the following probabilities Under 0i we have: P{ <8} P{8 12} P{l2 Under 02 we have P{ 8} P{8 12} P{I2 O.3085 O.383O O.3085. 0.9545 O.O428 O.OO27. 127 Si S2 S3 54 ^5 *6 s7 s8 tl «1 di dl a-2 d2 d2 d2 tl di di d 2 d2 di dl d2 d2 tz ai d2 d2 dl di d2 d2 dl TABLE 2. Possible strategies Figure i.

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Tijdschrift voor Kadaster en Landmeetkunde (KenL) | 1967 | | pagina 9