279 vations containing the greatest number of repetitions of the SHAR effect does not necessarily produce the best result. This is almost certainly due to the presence of other significant but still undetected systematic errors. It is with a realisation of this fact then that weighting for relative precision comparisons between observation sets is suggested as being directly proportional to the number of repetitions of the SHAR effect (rather than to the total number of observations, n, itself, even although the bisection and reading errors relative to the extremal positions, or timing errors, will be minimised as n increases) and inversely proportional to the square of the standard error, cr, of the apparent gyro-indicated north, 0O, where a is obtained from Schuler's formula [5] ere, 2 [yv]j(n1) n3) which gives the standard error for the mean of the individual Schuler means. Here the v's are given by n 0O Li Li+2)l4 I Li+1, (i 1,2, n—2) for the tracking method, and vi 0O N' c.a.dti, i 1,2, n2) for the transit method, if c is assumed to have been previously determined. In these cases n is the total number of turning points or transits, respectively, observed. N' is the approximate north setting of the gyroscope for the transit method, which should be good to 10 minutes of arc for effective results. Because of the pres ence of the SHAR effect all the v's should be corrected accordingly, a task which can be done graphically (this has been found to be quite adequate) or by means of least squares curve fitting pro cedures applied to the unit Schuler means. The contribution of the pointing and reading errors to the reference mark (RM) to the standard error of angle a (say), see Figure 3, has to be taken into account. Here again no balance be tween the RM readings and the number of oscillations observed, occurs in general. Observing on one face of the theodolite only, it is unlikely that more than four RM observations before and four after the gyro-set will be taken. The appropriate standard error from eight such readings would then be of the order of 2 seconds of arc. Considering Case 5, Figure 5, as an example, (r6o 2".3, which gives oa 3".i. The corresponding weight of the deter mination of a, the angle at University Pillar in this instance, be tween the reference line and gyro-indicated north, would be proportional to 2/9.3, the 2 in the numerator being the number of half-period secondary harmonics which occurred in the observa tional set. Relative precision comparisons are, however, not sufficiently meaningful when describing the azimuth determining ability of the gyrotheodolite. Assuming that the instrumental calibration con-

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Tijdschrift voor Kadaster en Landmeetkunde (KenL) | 1967 | | pagina 13