H. S. WILLIAMS and G. E. BELLING, Quasi-harmonic Patterns of Pendulous gyroscopes during protracted oscillation Introduction Azimuth determinations by gyroscopic methods have, during the past two-and-a-half years especially, fired the interest of the sur veying community. In particular, the Wild GAKi gyro-attachment appears to have made the biggest impact on the Western World most probably because of its operational simplicity and competitive cost. Its applications and potential uses have been enumerated frequently enough in the past and quite conceivably other uncon sidered fields may yet be found to supplement the already im pressive list of achievements of this instrument. In May 1966, a modified Wild T2 theodolite and GAKi gyro- attachment were made available by Messrs. Wild of South Africa to the authors for research purposes. Initially, the object of the research was to attempt to determine the accuracy of the GAKi gyro-attachment by using a single second theodolite for obser vation of the oscillations, as opposed to the generally recommended i or Tl6 types (both these instruments having observational least counts of approximately five seconds of arc). Secondly it was felt that with a sufficiently large number of suitable observa tions, some accuracy comparison between the "tracking" and transit [1] methods could be made. As will be obvious from this paper, far more than the above objects were achieved, and in dications are that many more empirical as well as theoretical investigations will need to be undertaken before complete under standing of the pendulous gyroscope's behaviour can be claimed. Equipment The equipment used in the series of tests consisted of the fol lowing (i) GAKi gyro-attachment No. 3139, modified for Wild T2 theodolite, GKKi converter, No. 2970/GKK, (iii) Wild T2 theodolite, No. 92765, and (iv) Sierra portable tape recorder. University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa: A bstract Secondary Harmonic behaviour patterns of a quasi-systematic nature l"en ?End to £e Present m pendulous gyroscopes during protracted oscillations. The results obtained along a known test line 9 km long suggest the acquisition of a "high-low" range of azimuth values in a set if the most reliable result is sought Accuracy analyses of the tracking and transit meth ods are presented with conclusions that the procedures are comparable.

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Tijdschrift voor Kadaster en Landmeetkunde (KenL) | 1967 | | pagina 3