advantage of the Strasser/Schwendener method is the compara tively simple observation and reduction procedures recommended. Initially, the field work was envisaged as likely to take two weeks, but as the tests progressed, unexpected behaviour anomalies of the gyro-attachment were found to occur at surprisingly regular intervals. This new development necessitated a complete reappraisal of the investigation and eventually resulted in over two-and-a-hail months field work being carried out in order to produce and verity the results and conclusions presented in this paper. At the commencement of the tests, a number of daily run-ups of the instrument were made, during each of which approximately eight turning points were observed for purposes of azimuth deter mination. The then conventional method of deriving the azimuth from the Schuler mean [5l was applied and although several groups of data revealed remarkably consistent sets of observations, a few had isolated fringe observations which were apparently inconsistent with the body of data recorded. A typical example is shown here. In this example, one might, at first glance, be inclined to discount either, or both, the first and sixth Schuler means because of the apparent consistency existing between the second, third, fourth and fifth means. In fact, the sixth Schuler mean gives the best value of gyro-indicated north. As a result of the above, the authors decided to prolong the observations of the gyro-oscillations beyond the eight turning points and to determine what trend, if any, developed over a longer period The number of turning points was increased from eight to sixteen, from sixteen to thirty, and eventually it became common practice to observe forty-five turning points during a single run. Since this involved two-and-a-half hours of extreme concentration (an excessive task for one observer) it became necessary to switch observers after every twelve to fifteen turning points. 272 Left Right Mean i79°i6T9" i8o°09'5o" 179.16.37 i8i°o3'o2" 179.16.55 181.02.10 180.09.33 179.17.51 181.01.17 180.09.34 179.18.47 181.00.31 180.09.39 179.19.33 180.59.45 180.09.39 179.20.19 180.59.28 180.09.53 180.59.11 The numbers in italics are the means of two successive left or rlght observations; the mean of such a mean and the associated observation is the Schuler mean, printed in the third column.

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Tijdschrift voor Kadaster en Landmeetkunde (KenL) | 1967 | | pagina 6