273 The fallacy of using the consistency of consecutive Schuler means as a criterion for acceptance of observations of the extremal points of gyroscope oscillations, is illustrated by the following twenty consecutive observations abstracted from a set of forty-five observed on 13th May, 1966. A range of nearly one minute of arc occurs in the Schuler means, the high-low pattern repeating itself three times during the gyro-run. The full set of observations took nearly three hours to complete. Comparing the weighted mean of i8o°io'o6", derived from this example, duly corrected by an orientation correction of +45", as was applicable to the set, the instrument calibration constant would be -f-10'51". This result compares to +5" with the calibration constant of +io'4Ó" obtained from all observations. The accept ance of the "high mean" would have resulted in an error of +44" in the bearing of the line University Pillar Waterval. The "middle mean" would have produced a fortuitous error of 1" and the "low mean" would have caused a bearing error of 9". It is of particular interest to note that it is virtually impossible to make an advance decision concerning the number of observations to be taken, if maximum accuracy is to be achieved, with the gyro- theodolite. The location of the "high-low" range has to be found before any set can be accepted as being complete. Of course, under normal circumstances of application some practical upper and lower Left i790oi'56" 179.04.00 179.06.05 17g.08.40 179.11.16 179.11.5g 179.12.42 179.13.12 179.13.42 179.14.08 I79-I4-35 179.14.46 179.14.58 179.15.18 I79I5-39 179.15.49 I79-I5-59 179.16.09 179.16.19 i8i°I7'26" 181.15.12 181.12.59 181.10.21 181.07.43 181.07.18 181.06.52 181.06.25 181.05.58 181.05.24 181.04.50 181.04.41 181.04.32 181.04.14 181.03.56 181.03.48 181.03.39 181.03.20 181.03.02 Mean i8o°io'43" 180.10.39 180.10.50 180.10.48 180.09.51 180.10.00 180.10.02 180.10.04 180.10.03 180.10.00 180.09.48 180.09.50 180.09.55 180.09.56 180.09.52 180.09.54 180.09.54 180.09.50 Remarks High mean: i8o°io'45" Middle mean: i8o°io'oo" Low mean; i8o°og'52'' See note page 272.

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Tijdschrift voor Kadaster en Landmeetkunde (KenL) | 1967 | | pagina 7