275 proximately 6° and this proved to be more than adequate since oscillation ranges were restricted to 3° or less. In the authors' opinion, a small amplitude with the reversal procedure provides for a more fluid "follow-up" of the moving gyro-mark and possibly the elimination of torsion effects resulting from staccato tracking of a rapidly moving target. As the gyro- mark approaches a turning point, the slowing down process is far Figure 2 more gradual with a small amplitude, the mark achieving a steady state on the turn which in the opinion of the authors allows for a more relaxed and positive identification of the oscillation extremity. The occasional and unaccountable incidence of "whip" and tremor of the spinning gyro-mark did tax the observer's concentration more than somewhat, but in general the target was steady. During the tests, using the reversal or tracking method, the initial and final torque-free positions of the gyro-suspension tape

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Tijdschrift voor Kadaster en Landmeetkunde (KenL) | 1967 | | pagina 9