EBf 40294' ■El 375858 36949' 35876' 3600 1629 3730 -Locus of ore centers-intrados SECTION ON LINE OF CENTERS piMENS'ONAL DIAGRAM Locus of arc centers-extrados .-Axis of dam El 3808 85^ Nor. H.W.& El.3800—.K Woter level recorder. -ie' oo floot wen .Gate service frame and hoist 84"id outlets, - 84" Jet flow goto ■84' Ring follower gate "Second stage concrete '—8' Sump drain 97-6' SECTION THRU OUTLET WORKS Fig- 4

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Tijdschrift voor Kadaster en Landmeetkunde (KenL) | 1967 | | pagina 31